Buddleia - Removal and Eradication
Buddleia - Removal and Eradication
Buddleia - Pruning & Removal & Management
0793231 721

Buddleia - Control, Management and Removal

Buddleia aka Buddleja, Butterfly bush because it attracts butterflies, Summer Lilac because it flowers in summer and the fragrant flowers resemble those of the Lilacs.

A deciduous, fast growing, rather rangy, perennial shrub up to 5 m round with fragrant, sprays of purple to yellow, nectar producing flowers that attract butterflies. The leaves are a velvety gray green on top and furry underneath.

Download the PDF Fact Sheet on Buddleia produced by Defra

The Bad News

Buddleia grows quickly and has lots of small seeds which are widely spread by the wind. Buddleia can also tolerate extreme conditions, particularly poor soil, and will readily form dense infestations. It is a particularly serious weed in riverbeds as it can change the water flows and displace all other vegetation. Buddleia is also reduces bio diversity by out competing other plants. It is often found along railway embankments, on roof tops and even growing out of brickwork. It is very well adapted to city landscapes.

How We can Help

Give us a call Buddleia is causing you a problem. You may just need it pruning back, or you may require complete removal. We are qualified in the lawful application of herbicides. We are also licensed waste carriers meaning that the plant will be disposed of in a bio secure way to spread further nuisance growth.

Give us a call for help and advice.

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