London Turfing Services
Best Quality Turfing Company for a perfect Garden Lawn
0793231 721
London Councils

Garden Turf for a Beautiful Lawn - Supplied and Laid - London Wide

We offer a professional and customer focused London turfing service. We select the best type of turf for the job ensuring a long lasting result and a garden lawn that you will be proud of.

Our initial consultation will involve a site visit to give you an idea of the cost and advise on which turfing product will give you a beautiful looking garden lawn. We will work out how many square metres is required and give you a cost per square metre

Beautiful GardensTurfing Services for

  • Residential Property
  • House builders
  • Landscapers
  • Landscape Architects
  • Councils
  • Golf Courses
  • School and Universities

Turfing Products include

  • Greenscape
  • Lawnscape
  • County Shade
  • County Greens

Our garden turfing services include site clearance, soil preparation, laying the turf, edging, watering and finally cutting the turf once it has bedded in. We will also advise you on the best methods of looking after your new lawn. Visit our purpose built Turfing Website for more information

Customer Testimonials

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